«We all got minus one, and obviously, like I know his stats, and so after the game I went to see him. I'm like, 'Hey man, like, sorry. That was a bad pass on me. Dash one is on me. I'm sorry, dude.' And he turned around. He looked at me and he was, like, 'Dude, I don't care about the stats. I just want to f*ckin win.' It was not like staged. He legit turned and, 'Listen, I just want to f*ckin' win.' And I'm like, 'All right, got it, Captain.' I was like, that's awesome, that's what I want to hear. I was so fired up. I was like, 'Dude, you tell me that right now, that's awesome.' And like people always tell me, 'Oh, Connor is points.' But when playoffs show up, you better show up, because he's going to war. He's showed me that he's he's not just a skill guy, he's not a point guy, he's a player. He's a hockey player.»