Adam Henrique has fantastic answer on why he chose to take less in Edmonton

Noel Drolet
July 2, 2024  (8:31 PM)

Adam Henrique on the Oilers
Photo credit: MSN

Adam Henrique had plenty of offers on the table in free agency, some more than the Oilers could afford, and still he chose to re-sign in Edmonton.

With the insane re-signing of Henrique, it's crazy that he didn't get more from another team. Henrique re-signed with the Oilers after a productive season last year for only 3M for two years. It wasn't that teams didn't want him as Henrique had multiple teams as suitors, even getting one team's coach to try and persuade him to join other teams.
The Tampa Bay Lightning wanted Henrique so bad that they actually offered him more money than the Oilers did, but also had Jon Cooper calling on Henrique himself.
With this news coming out, it's obvious that Henrique really wants to stay with the Oilers. It's rare that players will take a pay cut to stay with a team, but Henrique has made it obvious he's at a point in his career where he wants to do whatever he can to win. Henrique clearly really loves Edmonton and a quote out of an interview since the re-signing showing how much he wants to remain an Oiler.
This is such an awesome quote to hear, as it's obvious Henrique wants to be with the team. He's willing to take less money personally to give the team the best shot at winning that they can have, which is a mentality that often leads to better team success. It's clear that other free agency signings felt the same way, as other players had also denied other teams to come to their preferred destination.
It has been a long time since the Oilers had been labelled as a premier landing spot for players, but now everyone wants to come to the team. It shows how much of an amazing impact superstar players can have on roster construction, as any player would be happy to play with McDavid and Draisaitl. This free agency has given the players and fans so much hope for the future, and the Oilers are happy to take all the players that want to play for them.
Adam Henrique has fantastic answer on why he chose to take less in Edmonton

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